Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Because I am not busy enough...

I have been teaching myself to crochet over the past little while.  So far nothing has turned out but I am still at it.  My mom thoughtfully got me all three of Ana Paula Rimoli's books.  So cute - she has an etsy store!!  I am having trouble with a few things, counting stitches and for some reason the heads are a bit off.  Photos will follow when something turns out!  I am currently using the tiger pattern in Amigurumi Two!: Crocheted Toys for Me and You and Baby Too  to make a hot pink cat for the baby.

Also I have decided (for some crazy reason) that I should make a few sock animals.   The poor baby doesn't have her own sock animal and her sister was so fond of Lennie the Sock Monkey.  I am going to make her a cat, I have several patterns but am not sure which one I like best.  I think the infant appeal is the long arms, legs and tail but the little sitting kitties are so cute.

I have also been working on a few quilts (one for the poor baby) and a few as gifts.  I need to focus and finish one project at a time but I get bored easily, hense the huge rubbermaid of unfinished projects!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Finishing Projects Update:

A month ago I finally completed my first ever quilting class project, it is over 2 years ago that I started and only needed to complete the binding. (Then the digital camera broke, then the computer was hooped, blogging and crafting is HARD.)  It took two episodes of Sesame Street. I am not sure why I waited this long.