Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back at it!

I borrowed back the machine I lent to my cousin.  She had not taken it out of the box.  Neither had the woman who gave it to me.  I did and back it went.  It is quite old and has a musty smell so I won't be using it.

On the upside one of my teenage cousins wants my broken machine.   Apparently he likes to tinker.  I was really torn about what to do with the machine.  It doesn't seem like something that should be tossed in a dumpster but at the same time it is useless. 

Back to making my sister's baby quilt.  It is slightly out of square but the baby won't notice.  Although at the rate I have been going the baby will be fourteen by the time it is done.

PS I LOVE it when I hit spellcheck and NOTHING comes up!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


My Necchi has died.  The someting-or-other is broken and parts are unavailable. 

I am moving on to another machine given to me by a friend (that I then passed on then asked for back - she wasn't using it!!!!) until I can save up for a Janome or Pfaff.

So many big plans shot!

F Bomb! 

Monday, August 15, 2011


My sewing machine has broken!

Send help!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Unfinished Projects LIst

OK, time for a new goal.  I keep starting new and unnecessary projects instead of finishing the ones I have started.

By the end of the month I will have completed:
(Note: anything with a star is at some level of completion.)
  • My sister's baby quilt*
  • My sister's baby gift
  • My friend's baby quilt*
  • My friend's baby gift
  • My mom's yoga bag
  • My daughter's quilt*
  • Ladybug for my buddy Erin in my mommy group
  • Chickenbutt's pillowcase
  • Five sets of panties for my Chickenbutt (either altered or more likely from scratch)
Today is the 13th!
Good luck to me!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Meow, meow, meow, meow

I am not sure if I am sold on sock animals or not.  I tried two different cat patterns.  The purple kitty is from Brenna Maloney's book Socks Appeal.  The main lesson I learned here was not to ask a toddler for input.  I used the purple argyle sock she wanted and had a hard time seeing the thread and so had to fix a few holes.  Overall, the cat came out nicely but the face needs to be centred a bit better (again, having a toddler hanging on you while embroidering is not ideal).
The hot pink kitty came out better and is the Cheshire cat pattern from Daniel's book (he does not have a last name, the Cher of sock creatures) Stray Sock Sewing.   Since I was making this for the baby I chose to modify the face into a simple cat rather then the creepy Cheshire grin.   Overall this pattern was easier and I like the final product better.  It looks more polished.   (I KNOW that the point of sock creatures is not to be perfect mass produced toys but I still want it to look like I know what I am doing.)  I had some trouble attaching the head and am not sure exactly how secure it is.  I hope it doesn't come off, that would be a catastrophe!

****A note on the cat: poor Charlie is blind and his eyes always show up demonic in photos.  The red eye function is not able to fix it.