Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Meow, meow, meow, meow

I am not sure if I am sold on sock animals or not.  I tried two different cat patterns.  The purple kitty is from Brenna Maloney's book Socks Appeal.  The main lesson I learned here was not to ask a toddler for input.  I used the purple argyle sock she wanted and had a hard time seeing the thread and so had to fix a few holes.  Overall, the cat came out nicely but the face needs to be centred a bit better (again, having a toddler hanging on you while embroidering is not ideal).
The hot pink kitty came out better and is the Cheshire cat pattern from Daniel's book (he does not have a last name, the Cher of sock creatures) Stray Sock Sewing.   Since I was making this for the baby I chose to modify the face into a simple cat rather then the creepy Cheshire grin.   Overall this pattern was easier and I like the final product better.  It looks more polished.   (I KNOW that the point of sock creatures is not to be perfect mass produced toys but I still want it to look like I know what I am doing.)  I had some trouble attaching the head and am not sure exactly how secure it is.  I hope it doesn't come off, that would be a catastrophe!

****A note on the cat: poor Charlie is blind and his eyes always show up demonic in photos.  The red eye function is not able to fix it.

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