I tried to avoid the Disneyfication of my kids. I really did. But it's everywhere. And they do a FANTASTIC job of advertising. Although we do have a few of the dolls we have avoided princess mania so far. The other day we did buy two fairies (with kids this close in age it is just easier to buy two of everything) but Chickenbutt wanted her Tinkerbell to play with Superfairy from Sesame Street. We added paper wings to a dancing Cinderella doll to create a reasonable facsimile of Superfairy.
We recently went to a Wall-E themed birthday party. A few days before the party I pulled the movie out of my stash and popped it in. This was on a Wednesday. By the time we went to the party on the Saturday we had watched Wall-E three times. By the way, the cake at the party was AMAZING! Honestly, you would think the Pixar people were involved. It was a PERFECT Wall-E.
We are now BIG into Wall-E. It is VERY hard to find anything Wall-E! In a moment of pure insanity I took Chickenbutt downstairs into the sewing cave and we chose the felt colours so I could make her a Wall-E. Then I was under constant pressure and close supervision until he was finished.
Version 1 *Note the cockroach, our librarian gave it to Chickenbutt and I got to spend an hour at the doctor's office asking her if she still had it. That kid is weird! |
"You can work on my Wall-E now if you want."
"Daddy, finish my Wall-E" "Mommy has to, I don't know how." "You just have to read the instructions"
"You have to take time now!"
"Apparently you need one more thing on my Wall-E. He's missing his red button."
"You make one for Wren now!"
Version 2 |
As with everything I am unsure of, I decided to make the first Wall-E out of felt. I did find two cute crochet patterns but am not quite that skilled. I am quite pleased to say I was really happy with how he turned out. While I was working on him I took numerous photos with the thought of creating a tutorial. Then I realized that Disney would break my legs. And sue me. Wall-E version 2 is made out of quilting fabric and I like him better except for the arms. They are a bit wonky and too fat. Wall-E version 3 (if he ever shows up) will be perfect!
"Now I need an EVE and a cleaning robot."