Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back at it!

I borrowed back the machine I lent to my cousin.  She had not taken it out of the box.  Neither had the woman who gave it to me.  I did and back it went.  It is quite old and has a musty smell so I won't be using it.

On the upside one of my teenage cousins wants my broken machine.   Apparently he likes to tinker.  I was really torn about what to do with the machine.  It doesn't seem like something that should be tossed in a dumpster but at the same time it is useless. 

Back to making my sister's baby quilt.  It is slightly out of square but the baby won't notice.  Although at the rate I have been going the baby will be fourteen by the time it is done.

PS I LOVE it when I hit spellcheck and NOTHING comes up!

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