Monday, July 1, 2013

More Crochet

One great thing about crochet is I can do it around the kids.  While they watch a movie or play outside.  I can be in the same room and still get something done.  (I have tried to do other things like clean cupboards but as soon as I am in just far enough not to quit a fight will break out.)

I am in love with amigurumi!   It is so much faster then sewing a toy!  I still really enjoy the sewing but there are so many patterns out there for crochet.  I can only imagine the time I am saving (and not using productively) And it is easier to hide all the yarn I am accumulating.

My friend's little girl had a Brave themed birthday so I set out to make a Merida.  I purchased three patterns from JanaGeek - Merida, Belle and Ariel.  These are excellent patterns and Merida was the first little person I have ever made.  I did forget their little smiles though.

That same friend's other daughter had a Star Wars themed party.  I purchased three patterns from Lucyravenscar - Yoda, Leia and Darth Vader.  I made Leia for the birthday party and a Yoda to practice (he has a bit of a gap in the back).  These patterns really worked out for me as well.

I also made each of the birthday girls a purse.  I could not find Brave (or any other princess themed) fabric which is bizarre since it was everywhere last year.  So one girl got butterflies and the other got Star Wars   These bags are from Diary of a Quilter and only take 32 minutes!  I also have a pattern for messenger bags with a flap closure but I cut the fabric sideways for the butterfly bag and it was too much waste to cut the Star Wars fabric correctly.  I really like the little fold on the butterfly bag, it makes the whole project look sharp and professionally done.  I think I could attach the straps on the inside so there are no seams visible.   I am going to add a few of these to my craft sale in the fall as a way to cut down my stash.

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